Saturday, July 19, 2008

On a shopping spree...

With so many brands to choose from and many more trends to respect, shopping for the uninitiated can be more than a daunting task.Imagine walking into a store to buy something to add to your wardrobe and returning empty handed only for the sole reason of not being confident enough to buy the clothes or accessories that, in addition to being in vogue, should also be one that would suit your physical, physiological and social makeup.There can be nothing worse than the fear of committing a fashion faux pas, after meticulously spending hours in a mall enduring sore feet and aching back, only to find that your precious find ended up pursing some lips and contorting some faces.I, being one who has gone through a myriad of "shopping emotions" empathise with people in similar situations and here by strive to make life easier for my blog readers by picking some headturners from the colossal gamut of options one is handed out.While fashion might be individualistic, trends for each season with regard to colour, fabrics, cut and accessories, seem to be collectively agreed upon.Join me in this virtual walk down Fifth Avenue as we discern the artful from the deceitful...

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